Super Hunk Atv 250cc (Military Green)
Engine:1. Engine:250cc, Air-cooled, single cyclinder 4-stroke2. Max. power :12kw/(6500r/min) aluminium exhaust3. Start Method:Electric4. Trasmission:1 forward/ 1 reverse5. Clutch: AutomaticChassis:1. Brakes(Front/Rear): Disc brake2. Suspension (Front/Rear): Luxurious Airbag Suspension3. Rear Tire (Front/Rear):AT25×8-12/ AT25×10-12 AluminiumRim4. Drive system:5. Fuel Capacity:Chain7.8LDimensions:1. Wheelbase:1210MM2. Foot Step to Seat:480MM3. Seat height:990MM4. Vehicle Dimensions: 1830×1060×1470MM5. N.W: 174kg6. G.W:194kg7. Packaging: 1520×820×830MM OTHERS:1. Max speed: 80km/h2. Max Weight Capacity:200kgs3. Mileage:20KMPLEXTRA FEATURES:-1) HORN2) MIRROR3) SPEEDOMETER4) SIGNAL INDICATOR5) EXTRA 4 HUNTING LIGHT*Note: This Vehicle is Under Category of ‘OFF Road Vehicles’
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